Course not successfully submitted when it done


Dear Sir/ Madam,
I have finished the course "Mandatory Information Security Awareness Training". Get 6 out of 6 with 100% grade passed the course but when I review back my Dashboard and it still "in progress" status for the mentioned course. Could you please advise. Thank you!

@tanlocnguyen We are currently checking on your issue. Thank you for reporting this. Please stay tuned for updates.

Good day @tanlocnguyen

there is some delay in course completion after we check with our system, now your progress is recorded and reflected in our system.


thank you, apologize for the delay

@panjitianda i got same problem too, can you please check mine. Thank you. 😊

@ashaariabdsagap you have not completed the full course video, You need to view at least 80% of the video before you can be considered to have completed the program


Hello i am facing the same issue, Security awareness completed, but still showing inProgress

Hi @irfariqiezeham there might be some delayed, afraid not, will check on you

HI @irfariqiezeham , my advice is dont skip the video, our system track the flow every minutes you watch.

I hv completed the Mandatory Info Sec course with 6/6 score. Again it shows ‘in prigress’. I didnt skip any on video courses. This is my 2nd time doing it as it shows in progress and

Hey there Ahmad, could you please refresh your Dashboard, our records show that you have completed your Mandatory Information Security as required.