DM-APR24: Pre & Post-Assessment Quiz + Practical Learning Sharing

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RECAP: This goes to FB/IG Shop with Shopping Objective + Potentially Dynamic Creative from the social media catalogue that you have set

Thanks for reading & happy learning!
💚 Ciayi Lim


Potential Action Plans:

  1. Relook into your brand identity deck:
  • Enhance logo design (Simplify the design)
  • Brand Tagline: Depending on your unique value proposition
  • Colour palette setting as content tools brand kits
  1. Website update using Google Sites
  • Homepage
  • Services Pages
  • About
  • Contact
  • Sign-up newsletter
    *Make sure you update the social media links to site footer
    *Create a Google Analytics account & add it to Google Sites for site performance monitoring
  1. Look into your SEO performance
  • Competitors tracking
  • Keyword research
    *Plan the content from there
  1. Look into your email marketing plan
  • Consolidate your current clients' database
  • Manage your contact list using the chosen email marketing tool
  • Monthly/ Quarterly newsletter update

*Make sure you have a clear indication of the service rate card
*Look into the standard design of the user journey with the email automation setting

  1. Social media
  • Update your Facebook Page setting
  • Update your IG Page setting
  • Plan your social media calendar
  • Schedule your social media calendar
    *Look into promoting your social media handles on FB private groups/ community
    *Consider LinkedIn marketing since it is B2B

Thanks for reading & happy learning!
💚 Ciayi Lim