[ODL/ILT] Knowing Your Customers

Glad that you found this space! ā˜ŗļø

I usually explain that 'Knowing Your Customers' consists of Customer Segmentation & Customer Persona. As part of your brand positioning, you will need to understand WHO are the potential customers who need the solution (Product) offered by your brand.

When we define our customers according to certain traits or categories, we are segmenting our market. Then, we create the buyer or customer persona for a better understanding of their pain points in order to formulate or improve our marketing strategies.

This is the space for you to discuss further related to this topic.

Thanks for reading & happy learning!
šŸ’š Ciayi Lim

(1-2) Amaya.jpg (2-2) Amaya.jpg


From: Obi

Freelancer Sarah -1.png
Freelancer Sarah -2.png
Freelancer Sarah -3.png

@hanis Well done šŸ™‚ As discussed, according to your business: https://siraplimau.com/ you may want to consider adding the preferred language as part of demographic segmentation since it is one of the distinctive element of your product.

Thanks for reading & happy learning!
šŸ’š Ciayi Lim

@rubijamaluddin As discussed, this is a great piece šŸ™‚ But it would be greater if we could match the 'biggest challenges' according to our customer's goals. This would be easier for us to understand what are the effective solutions for them with our online marketing mix & content strategies.

Thanks for reading & happy learning!
šŸ’š Ciayi Lim