DM-APR24: Pre & Post-Assessment Quiz + Practical Learning Sharing


SMART Goal Summary for B.R.A.N.D. Eyewear

I want to grow the number of new website newsletter subscribers generated by 50 per month by sharing 3 new product launches monthly on instagram because market insights indicate that intended subscribers convert to customers better than leads from PPC advertising. I'll reach 50 monthly subscribers per month, 300 in total in 6 months from today.

Screenshot of your content mapping here

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Post your content calendar here

@trainer ! 1d59127d-d72c-4be3-a463-44e5f679708f-image.png

Marketing Plan

Digital Marketing Plan Summary Template-With Reference:

Marketing Plan: One Page Campaign Overview :

Competitive Analysis: Competitive Analysis Template:

Paste your screenshot of the One Page Campaign Overview here.

For your further learning, you can access to this videos:

Marketing Plan:
Competitive Analysis:
Happy learning

Post your SWOT Analysis Screenshot here


SWOT Analysis for Asia Digital Engineering (ADE)



SWOT Analysis for B.R.A.N.D. Eyewear Frames


@trainerScreenshot 2024-04-24 at 2.20.12 PM.png

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@ignatiusmackerry said in DM-APR24: Pre & Post-Assessment Quiz + Practical Learning Sharing:


SWOT Analysis for Asia Digital Engineering (ADE)


TOWS Analysis for ADE (updated with Bob's feedback)

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