⭐️ [ODL] Understanding & Utilising Social Media for Competitor Analysis

Competitors' online analysis is one of the practices in Digital Marketing and it is also overlapping with social media monitoring and listening.

Do we need software/app/tool to monitor or track our competitors on social media? Well, there are free monitoring features available on Social Media platforms for example Page's performance tracking with LinkedIn Analytics:


  • Under 'LinkedIn Analytics' > 'Competitors', you can add up to a maximum of 10 competitors pages to track


  • Standard tracking metrics include the number of Page Followers (All-time & new followers gained) and Organic Content Performance (Total number of posts & total number of engagements)

However, with the other social media monitoring & listening tools, we are able to track a lot more information to gather deeper insights to understand our current positioning in the market in order to formulate a better social media marketing strategy plan.

There are some free and paid tools available in the markets and you may refer to the existing reviews/comparisons as such:

  1. https://www.socialpilot.co/facebook-analytics-tools
  2. https://napoleoncat.com/blog/social-media-analytics-tools/
  3. https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/planning-for-2023-researching-the-competition/639899/

Besides that, we do have some ODL courses available to learn about the key performance metrics while tracking your competitors using the popular Social Media Monitoring tools:

  1. Social Media Monitoring: SemRush Review

  2. Social Media Monitoring: Mentionlytics Review

  3. Social Media Monitoring: Hootsuite Review

  4. Social Media Monitoring: RivalIQ Review

Feel free to chip in your thoughts here after watching the videos.

Happy Learning!

Thanks for reading & happy learning!
💚 Ciayi Lim

Will watch videos!

@ciayilim @neesz48 @khai-ruz-92 @mohamadafnan @lowyh You may refer to this article on the overall Social Media Monitoring tools comparison as discussed yesterday 🙂

Thanks for reading & happy learning!
💚 Ciayi Lim

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